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John Kjar began playing hockey in Tasmania in 1964, where he played for the University of Tasmania for three years in the A grade division.

Canberra, was however fortunate in gaining the benefit of John’s off field skills when he became the Secretary of the Canberra Girls Hockey Association in 1985. A willing and capable office bearer, John continued in this position for a number of years, plus additional roles when girls association amalgamated with the ACT Women’s Hockey Association in 1993, including Finance member, Constitution member, Development Director, Publicity Member, the list goes on.

One of John’s most notable involvements in Girls Hockey was as key organiser of the June Long Weekend Representative Girls Hockey Carnival for over 15 years, an event which was recognised as the premier junior carnival in Australia and remains as such still to this day.

In 1996 John was elected as a Board Member of The Hockey Centre and played a key role in the extensive negotiations that were involved in acquiring the site of, the design of the layout and the management of the Tuggeranong Hockey Centre from construction to reality.

He was keen to ensure the field and the park provided the best quality venue for the enjoyment of hockey by players and spectators and was often seen getting his hands dirty, literally, around the centre. In recognition of his efforts, the field was named in his honour.

Since then John has continued to remain a part of the Hockey ACT community, as a board member and actively involving himself in all facets of the association, volunteering for the Women’s Champions Trophy and numerous AHL events, as an organiser of the 2006 National Indoor Championships, ……

Congratulations to John Kjar on his Life Membership.